How To Introduce A New Subject

How To Introduce A New Subject

When you are ready to introduce a new subject to your Learner Driver Students, weather it be a new area to focus on or a manoeuvre the  you should start with a verbal explanation. However you should encourage your student to explain their understanding of the subject and involve them more by questioning what they think they should do so that it is less scripted and more discussion.

The discussion is then followed by a demonstration, then the student is given an opportunity to check their understanding. 

Then they can consolidate this by practicing. This usually takes 3 attempts to get reasonably right.
During each attempt we suggest you use questions to stimulate the students thinking - what should you do next? What is happening behind you? What did you forget to do? What must you remember to do? What went wrong? How close are you? Are you in the space? How well did you feel that went?

There are lots of questions that you could use and you should build a bank of these to use regularly. Using this approach helps you achieve 4front Driving Schools Aims and Objectives and achieve the Client Centred Learning approach that DVSA are after from their Driving Instructors

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